©Deirdre Nansen McCloskey | COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL
Streaming Media
“How Liberty, Not Investment or Stealing or Legal Change, Made Us Rich,” Free Market Road Show webinar, 11 January 2021.
McCloskey converses with Clemens Schneider, for the series “taz Talks meets Queer Lectures,” focusing on the question: How does queer freedom come about?, 17 December 2020.
McCloskey provides a webinar on “Economics, History, and the Great Enrichment” for Taylor’s University, Malaysia, 4 September 2020.
McCloskey talks to Jerry Bowyer about how her Bourgeois Era trilogy connects various fields of inquiry, 25 May 2015: audio podcast, part one and part two.
McCloskey gives the Rogge Lecture at Wabash College, 14 November 2014.
"The Last Word on Piketty" panel hosted by Policy Exchange, 11 November 2014.
McCloskey presents many of the arguments found in her Bourgeois Era trilogy, at Illinois Policy, 20 August 2014.
Podcast on the forthcoming Bourgeois Equality book, 8 August 2014.
McCloskey speaks to ieaTV about the magnitude of economic changes over the past two centuries and explores the causes of those changes, July 2014.
McCloskey speaks with Stephen Sackur of BBC's "HARDtalk" about inequality, markets, and virtues, 24 June 2014: audio podcast, also video.
Evan Davis of BBC Radio 4 interviews McCloskey in front of a live audience at the London School of Economics, May 2014.
Paul Solman interviews Deirdre McCloskey—and Enno Schmidt, Charles Murray, Veronique de Rugy, David Graeber, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Barbara Bergmann, and Megan McArdle—for PBS NewsHour, regarding the idea of a guaranteed minimum income, 24 April 2014.
"Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?," April 2014.
"Humanomics: Or, Why Neo-Classical, Neo-Marxist, and Neo-Institutionalist Views of History and the Economy Are Wrong," a talk given by McCloskey at the University of Nebraska, 27 February 2014.
Video: McCloskey's presentation at the "Are Markets Moral?" conference in New Delhi, 4 January 2014.
Video: McCloskey delivers the annual John Bonython Lecture at the Centre for Independent Studies in Sydney, 27 November 2013.
The Dutch novelist Arnon Grunberg interviews Deirdre (at about 30 minutes into the video) at the Studium General at Utrecht University, 11 November 2013.
Institute for Humane Studies video featuring Prof. McCloskey discussing free speech, November 2013.
Deirdre McCloskey, Ryan Sallans, Andrew Solomon, and NPR broadcaster Tom Ashbrook discuss gender identity and take phone calls, 28 August 2013.
McCloskey was the featured speaker at a Cato Institute forum, "How Markets and Innovation Became Ethical and Then Suspect," 20 June 2013: watch video or download audio podcast.
Max Borders of The Freeman speaks with Deirdre McCloskey in a four-part videoconference, April 2013.
Fragments from Raoul Haartje’s long interview with Deirdre on Harrtje’s TV show “Wintergasten” (“Winter Guests”), 2012. A summary (in Dutch) can be read here.
VIDEO: Honorary Doctoral Degree to Professor McCloskey from Universidad Francisco Marroquin,
18 August 2012.
Video of McCloskey's speech in Stellenbosch at the World Economic History Conference, 11 July 2012
McCloskey's work is compulsory reading for economists. This speech gives snippets of her new book: Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World.
"Deirdre McCloskey at the Korbel Speaker Series"
PODCAST, May 2012, Denver.
The lecture was "part of the ongoing Korbel Speakers Series, 'The Specter of Ignorance.' As part of this series, [McCloskey] focuses on what we come to know, how we know it and how it impacts our behavior in the world around us."
"The Bankruptcy of Statistical Significance"
VIDEO lecture, 24 April 2012.
VIDEO: Lecture and panel discussion on economics, history and political economy
George Mason University, 28 March 2012. Panel discussion begins 1:24.
Deirdre, Peter Boettke, and Daniel Klein field audience questions following Klein's lecture, "Knowledge and Coordination: A Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Book Discussion"
"What do we talk about when we talk about economics?"
With host, Jack Russell Weinstein, Why Radio, 11 March, Prairie Public Network.
Publicity poster »
Weber, Marx and Samuelson Were Wrong -- Ideas Matter in Economic History"
Video of Deirdre's lecture at Michigan State, 26 January 2012
RFM (Radio Free Market) features Deirdre as a special guest for its program, "Isn't Capitalism Basically Corrupt?"
Hosted by Michael McKay with economist Art Carden, Professor of Economics at Rhodes College, as a commentator.
Broadcast date: 21 January 2012.
[Videos] McCloskey's lectures in Munich:
The stunning quality of the Munich videos translates to an unusually long download time. Their content is, as always, well worth the wait.

Richard Handler
CBC Radio One's "Ideas" (Toronto) hosts a one-hour interview with Deirdre.
PODCAST of the interview, October 20, 2011.
A write-up by the interviewer, Richard Handler: "Why bourgeois values matter: A defence of capitalism by economic historian Deirdre McCloskey," CBC News, 18 October 2011.
[Video] Weber, Marx and Samuelson Were Wrong—Ideas Matter in Economic History, Lecture at Michigan State, 26 January 2012.
Brown University's Odyssey Lecture on Bourgeois Dignity at Brown University, 29 October 2011.
See also a blurb in Brown's Daily Blog Herald.
The Treason Of The Clerisy: Capitalism and the Intellectuals After 1848, hosted by GMU's Mercatus Center (posted 3 November 2011).
Industrial Revolution Roundtable, European Historical Economics Society 2011.
Video of roundtable in Dublin, 3 Sept, 2011. Features Deirdre McCloskey, Bob Allen, Nick Crafts, and Joel Mokyr. (McCloskey begins at 11:18.)
[Video] "Professor Deirdre McCloskey in Gothenburg," University of Gothenburg School of Business, Economics, and Law (date not specified):
part I
| part II
| part III
[VIDEO] From the meetings of the annual Summer Institute for the Preservation of the History of Economic Thought at the University of Richmond: "Ethics, Friedman, Buchanan, and the Good Old Chicago School: Getting (Back) to Humanomics," Jepson School of Leadership Studies, 24 June 2011.
[Audio file] "Session on Socialism, Racism, and Method," Gustavo Morles on McCloskey's Bourgeois Virtues, Mises Institute, 12 March 2011.
- Associated Powerpoint file: "The Rhetoric of Economics: Why Words Are Important"
[VIDEO] Deirdre McCloskey at GMU's Mercatus Center on "Bourgeois Dignity", 9 Feb 2011.
Of this lecture Don Boudreaux writes: "Here's a genuine treat: a video of a talk that the great Deidre McCloskey delivered yesterday on George Mason University's Fairfax campus. I was there and, I tell ya, it's a truly superb talk. WELL-worth the hour-plus time to view and enjoy!"
Bourgeois Dignity, Deirdre's lecture at University of Richmond (courtesy Peter Boettke, 14 Dec. 2010).
- Podcast: "The Role of Rhetoric in Economics": Mark Colvin and Deirdre McCloskey. Australian Broadcasting Company radio, 17 Dec. 2010.
- Two chats on liberty to the Oxford Libertarian Society: "Changing Gender in a Free Society" and 2. "Liberty and the Success of Capitalism", 14 and 15 May 2010:
- Radio broadcast on Bourgeois Virtues, "Isn't Capitalism Basically Corrupt?" Host: Michael McKay. Radio Free Market, 16 January 2010. (45-60 min.)
- Podcast on The Cult of Statistical Significance (with S. Ziliak): a speech to the Statistical Significance is Essentially Meaningless (at the 5 % Level), given at National Economists Club, December 2008.

Sam Tanenhaus of the
Times Video (36:25 min.). McCloskey's lecture on bourgeois virtues at the annual meeting organized by The Science Network (TSN): Beyond Belief: Enlightenment 2.0, 26 December 2007.
- Podcast (60 min.). On The Bourgeois Virtues from Russell Robert's "EconTalk," 31 March 2008.
- Podcast (portion on McCloskey begins at 9:08). Sam Tanenhaus, the New York Times Book Editor, talks with Jennifer Shuessler on The Bourgeois Virtues, 30 July 2006.
- Podcast. Nick Shulz interviews Deirdre McCloskey on TCS Daily, "What's the Big Idea?" 12 September 2006.
- Podcast. "The Invisible Hand" with Chris Gondek, September 2006.
- Videos [BELOW] [~8 min. each]. Lecture on the Bourgeois Virtues given at University of Western Kentucky, 2008: