©Deirdre Nansen McCloskey | COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL

Interviews, Dialogues, & Trialogues

McCloskey and Oving on NTR
  1. McCloskey interviewed by Larry Bernstein (audio: part one, part two; transcript: part one, part two), 10 January 2021.
  2. McCloskey interviewed by Cristina Casabón for Letras Libres (in Spanish), December 2020. Also available in English.
  3. McCloskey interviewed by Alain Guillot, November 2020.
  4. McCloskey interviewed by Matthew Taylor for RSA Journal, Fall 2020.
  5. McCloskey interviewed by Juliette Sellgren, June 2020.
  6. McCloskey interviewed by Peter Slen for C-SPAN’s “Book TV,” February 2020.
  7. McCloskey interviewed by Florentijn van Rootselaar for Trouw, December 2019.
  8. McCloskey interviewed by Eric Wallach for the Yale Politic, February 2019.
  9. McCloskey interviewed by Ján Záborský for Trend (in Slovak), February 2019.
  10. McCloskey interviewed for the Colombian newspaper La República (in Spanish), January 2019. Also available in English.
  11. McCloskey interviewed by Jasper Vekeman for Trends (in Dutch), January 2019.
  12. McCloskey interviewed for Gazeta do Povo (in Portuguese), November 2018.
  13. McCloskey interviewed for the blog of the Austrian Economic Institute, Vienna, Autumn 2018.
  14. McCloskey interviewed for “Kibbe on Liberty,” CRTV, July 2018.
  15. McCloskey interviewed by Mauricio Meglioli, July 2018.
  16. McCloskey interviewed for La Vanguardia (in Spanish), April 2018.
  17. McCloskey interviewed for El Mercurio (in Spanish), January 2018.
  18. McCloskey, Luigi Zingales, Timur Kuran, and Nils Karlson in conversation at the Ratio Institute, Stockholm, November 2017.
  19. McCloskey interviewed for CKGSB Knowledge (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business), October 2017.
  20. McCloskey interviewed by Erik Sanchez Antonio for The Tiger (Clemson University), October 2017.
  21. McCloskey interviewed by James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute, October 2017.
  22. Dialogue between McCloskey and Rick Wicks, September 2017.
  23. McCloskey interviewed by Nick Gillespie for Reason, August 2017.
  24. McCloskey interviewed for the Russian website Serious Science, August 2017.
  25. McCloskey interviewed for Humo magazine (in Dutch), July 2017.
  26. McCloskey interviewed by Arjun Jayadev for the Institute for New Economic Thinking, June 2017.
  27. McCloskey interviewed for Wirtschafts Woche (in German), April 2017.
  28. McCloskey interviewed by Gareth van Zyl for the South African site BizNews.com, April 2017.
  29. McCloskey interviewed by Dave Rubin, December 2016.
  30. McCloskey interviewed by Irina Atanasova (in Bulgarian), December 2016. Also available in English.
  31. McCloskey interviewed by Monica Straniero for the Italian magazine Vita, November 2016.
  32. McCloskey interviewed by Grégoire Canlorbe for Man and the Economy, November 2016.
  33. McCloskey interviewed by Vadim Volkov for the Russian magazine Liberty, November 2016.
  34. McCloskey interviewed by Daniel Raskov for Economic Policy (in Russian, pages 224–244), 2016.
  35. "Liberalism, Neoliberalism, and the Literary Left": an interview with McCloskey by Will Stockton and Duane Gilson, September 2016.
  36. McCloskey interviewed for Magyar Narancs (in Hungarian), September 2016. Also available in English.
  37. McCloskey interviewed by Patricio Tapia for the Chilean publication Santiago (in Spanish), September 2016. Also available in English.
  38. McCloskey interviewed by Mauricio Rodriguez for the Chilean publication La Tercera (in Spanish), September 2016. Also available in English.
  39. McCloskey interviewed by Francisca Guerrero for the Chilean publication Pulso (in Spanish), September 2016. Also available in English.
  40. McCloskey interviewed by Axel Kaiser and Eleonora Urrutia for the Chilean publication El Libero (in Spanish), September 2016.
  41. McCloskey interviewed by Dominic Lawson for BBC Radio 4, May 2016.
  42. McCloskey interviewed by Scott Douglas Jacobsen for In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal, May 2016.
  43. McCloskey interviewed by Karen Shook for Times Higher Education, April 2016.
  44. McCloskey interviewed by Natalya Shanetskaya for Russian television outlet Dozhd, April 2016.
  45. McCloskey interviewed by Rachel Toor for the Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2016.
  46. McCloskey interviewed by Jordan Finney for the Hillsdale Collegian, March 2016.
  47. PowerTrading Radio podcast ("Weekend Edition with Deirdre McCloskey"), March 2016.
  48. Johnny Rocket Launch Pad podcast, February 2016.
  49. McCloskey appears on BBC Radio 4's "Start the Week" program, December 2015.
  50. McCloskey interviewed by Michele Masneri for Idee e Lifestyle magazine (in Italian), November 2015.
  51. McCloskey interviewed by Ornella Darova for Neos magazine (in Italian), September 2015.
  52. Institute of Economic Affairs interview with McCloskey on Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century, 2015.
  53. Tomasz Wróblewski interviews McCloskey for the Polish weekly Wprost (in Polish), August 2015. Also available in English.
  54. Jerry Bowyer interviews McCloskey about the Bourgeois Era trilogy, May 2015. Audio available in two MP3 files: part one, part two.
  55. "Deirdre McCloskey on Family and Trans* Battles to Be Won," Windy City Times, 17 September 2014.
  56. Ron Baker and Ed Kless interview McCloskey on Bourgeois Equality, August 2014.
  57. McCloskey discusses the Great Enrichment on ieaTV, July 2014.
  58. Stephen Sackur of the BBC's "Hardtalk" interviews McCloskey about inequality, markets, and virtues, June 2014.
  59. McCloskey interviewed by Evan Davis at the London School of Economics for the BBC Radio 4 program “Analysis,” May 2014.
  60. Paul Solman interviews McCloskey, for PBS NewsHour, on the policy of a guaranteed basic income, April 2014.
  61. McCloskey interviewed by Mark Thompson-Kolar for ICPSR, October 2013.
  62. "Все люди в мире могут разбогатеть": McCloskey interviewed by Diana Iancheva for the Russian news agency Rosbalt, May 2013.
  63. "Een beter mens door de vrije markt" in Filosofie magazine, and "De stamtafel: moeten we blij zijn met het kapitalisme?" (with Arjo Klamer) in De Nieuwe Koers, both interviews conducted by Frank Mulder, May 2013.
  64. "Deirdre McCloskey celebrates the bourgeois": Delia O'Hara profiles McCloskey for the American Association for the Advancement of Science's "Member Spotlight," 11 March 2013.
  65. Harm Oving interviews McCloskey for Dutch TV broadcaster NTR, 7 March 2013. Also available on YouTube.
  66. "Max U, the Virtues and Imprudent Communitarians": Max Borders of The Freeman speaks with McCloskey in a four-part videoconference (1, 2, 3, 4), 25 Feb 2013.
  67. "An Interview with Deirdre McCloskey," Libertarian Party of Russia Atlant monthly, October 2012.
  68. "What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Economics?" Jack Russell Weinstein interviews McCloskey for the Prairie Public radio program "WHY?", 12 Mar 2012.
  69. English translation of a profile published in Swiss daily Le Temps, 11 Feb 2012.
  70. "Isn't Capitalism Basically Corrupt?" Michael McKay interviews McCloskey for the Radio Free Market podcast, 21 Jan 2012.
  71. Christian Libertarianism, an exchange with Clinic, 21 Nov 2011.
  72. "Advocating for Common Sense and Common Decency" UIC's Micki Leventhal interviews Deirdre and discusses her recent books in the fall 2011 issue of AtLAS. On statistical significance:
    "If the [physical] loss [from a drug] is really big it doesn't matter if it's one in 10,000—I want to know about it. You need to know what we call in statistics the 'loss function'. It's the 'pro and con list', and you're being stupid about the cons if you watch only the coin flips. Statistical significance treats the con of sneezing the same as losing a sense of smell for life."
  73. Kelly Faircloth: interview for G+, 25 Apr 2011.
  74. [Italian] Mariella Palazzolo: interview in Primo Plano Scala 3(3), March 2011.
    English title: "The secret of wealth? Liberty and dignity for innovators"
  75. William Easterly: "Don't be snobbish towards merchants & entrepreneurs, and you'll develop," Aid Watch, 21 March 2011.
  76. Deirde McCloskey and John Lyne, "A Dialogue on Market Innovation and Laissez Faire" Poroi 7 (1), 2011.
  77. "Rivoluzione borghese del terzo millennio" di Maria Teresa Cometto, Mondo di venerdì, 4 feb. 2011.
  78. "Learning to Love the Bourgeois": Joshua Rothman, Boston Globe, 16 Jan. 2011.
  79. "Needed: An Economics for Grownups": Matt Shaffer, National Review Online, 22 Nov. 2010.
  80. "The Role of Rhetoric in Economics": Mark Colvin and Deirdre McCloskey. Australian Broadcasting Company radio, 17 Dec. 2010.
  81. "A Dialogue on Market Innovation and Laissez Faire": John Lyne and Deirdre McCloskey. Posted 21 June 2010.
  82. In response to "Ou sont les femmes?" McCloskey interview on females in economics, Acadèmie Grenoble, 21 March 2009.
  83. She sings the praises of the free market, GU Journalen, 16 Nov 2009.
  84. "Clio and Me: An Interview with Mary Beth Combs." 2001.
  85. "Art, Fleeing from Capitalism": A slightly sublime interview/conversation with Deirdre McCloskey (and Jack Amariglio).
  86. "Economical humanism - Soundbite - Chatting with author Deirdre McCloskey," Reason, May, 2001 by Nick Gillespie, Editor-in-Chief, Reason.
  87. "Peter Babiak, Saints, Sweet Talk and the Madwoman in the Economics Department: An Interview with Deirdre McCloskey," Subterrain 45, pp. 35-38
  88. Arjo Klamer, Deirdre McCloskey, and Stephen Ziliak: "A Trialogue for Teachers: How we got here and where we are headed," The Economic Conversation, forthcoming.